Imported low price IT hardware, Imported products from factory and producer from China Good quality and good price including we are authorized dealer from leading well-known brand company all in domestic and aboard rightly so you can trust that we import IT products from China in the best price and copy right 100% also guarantee from center in Thailand. A guarantee for detective products. New replacement for customers immediately. We help select all products. That both the price and quality must relate to each other and must receive a 10-point perfect score according to our slogan.

Every product that we provide for customers We have staff in China for Inspect the manufacturer’s factory To eliminate the big problem of importing products from China That the product usually doesn’t match The quality of the advertised product There are staff to provide QC services for every product before being sent out from China warehouse. Customers who order products with us are confident that you will receive products with quality the specifications that are ordered.




Car Camera

Mouse, Keyboard

Bluetooth Speaker


Bluetooth EarPods

Camera Equipment
