About Us

TYM is the company who provides imported and supplied products services for customers. Recommended for the business starter that is unknown how to contacts these suppliers or order products from any factory. We have professional staff for sourcing products in China. Ready to serve Including customers who have already imported products from China But there is a problem with the time of delivery Delay Quality that does not meet the factory’s specifications And old customers who want to find a new factory that is cheaper. Customers have confirmed that it is as good as saying “as the cover, in the eye, the price can be trusted”

In which we have an office And warehouses in Guangzhou, Yiwu and Shenzhen, which are large cities and have many products to supply to customers in need Import products from China directly. We have staff in China for factory inspection, provide QC service for every product. Before exporting from a warehouse in China. Makes customers who order products with us feel comfortable that Will receive good quality products as ordered.

(TYM) “as the cover, in the eye, the price can be trusted”

TYM We have our own Cargo and Shipping. There are containers exported from China every

day. Allowing us to deliver products that have arrived at the warehouse Quickly. And have staff to provide QC services for every product before sending containers out of China To solve the problem of slow fatigue and didn’t get the quality item. Allowing you to be confident about importing good quality products In a quick time Exactly on time.

(TYM) “as the cover, in the eye, the price can be trusted”

TYM We have our own Cargo and Shipping. There are containers exported from China every

day. Allowing us to deliver products that have arrived at the warehouse Quickly. And have staff to provide QC services for every product before sending containers out of China To solve the problem of slow fatigue and didn’t get the quality item. Allowing you to be confident about importing good quality products In a quick time Exactly on time.